Grant Opportunities
MnATSA Grant
We would like to inform you of a unique opportunity to advance initiatives in preventing sexual abuse, sponsored by the Minnesota Chapter of the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (MnATSA). MnATSA is the state chapter of the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA) and is committed to the prevention of sexual abuse in all its forms through effective management and treatment of those who have engaged in sexually harmful behavior. We are pleased to announce a grant opportunity to advance the mission of MnATSA. The maximum grant amount is $2500.
The grant money is available for:
• A specific event/project/task sponsored by an organization with a complementary mission.
• Implementation of evidence-based practice in assessment, treatment, or supervision of individuals who have engaged in sexually harmful behaviors.
• Research or ongoing studies consistent with the mission of MnATSA.
Limitations of the grant; monies cannot be used for:
• Rent/mortgage
• Building expansion/infrastructure
• Routine business expenses or office supplies
• Salaries, professional dues
Please submit this application or any questions to the MnATSA President at by March 4, 2025.
Funding Opportunity: Safe Harbor/No Wrong Door Regional Navigator and Supportive Services Grants Request for Proposals (RFP)
Applications Due: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
The No Wrong Door model underlying the Safe Harbor system operates on the assumption that no single system or profession is adequate to identify and address the needs of at-risk and exploited youth.
MDH is soliciting proposals for Regional Navigator and Supportive Services to prevent and address sex trafficking of youth in Minnesota. Applicants may apply for a 36-month period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026.
The Minnesota Department of Corrections Grant
The Minnesota Department of Corrections, Grants and Subsidies Unit is requesting proposals for the purpose of awarding grants for juvenile and adult, probationer and supervised release sex offender programming. Grants will be financed from funds made available through Minnesota Statutes 241.67, Sub. 1 and sub. 3 (b) and Subd.8, and Statute 242.195, Subd. 1. Private, for-profit, or nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, public human service agencies, community corrections agencies, other governmental agencies and American Indian tribal governments that are able to provide direct sex offender specific services to juvenile and/or adult sex offenders are eligible to apply for these funds.
The deadline for proposal submission is Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023, at 12:00p.m. CST.